Need More Efficient Business Systems?​

InfoPlan's trained consultants are here to help you achieve your goal.

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What is a Business Software Consultant?

A BSC is a professional who analyzes businesses, creates solutions to problems, and helps businesses develop efficient plans for meeting their goals. As a business owner, you know your business better than anyone. But what happens when you need help or just want perspective on the direction you’ve chosen? Others can give general advice from the outside looking in, but to truly help you, they have to get to know your business very well–almost as well as you know it. That’s what a business consultant does. He gets to know a business and then helps the business owner meet his goals.

Contact your BSC today

David Foster

BCompt CFA (SA)

Dave has been in the business of helping businesses grow and become more efficient by implementing high quality, customised systems and solutions based on a business’ individual requirements. His many years in the industry gives him unique insight into business management and system design and implementation.

Don't wait - Call Dave today and start saving money!

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